Katrina RainoshekKatrina RainoshekValentineRaw Food Chocolate Rose Love CakeCafe BlissCafe BlissKatrina Rainoshek

We had a beautiful day today. Sophia went horse back riding and climbed into the cupboard and found a bag of acai powder, we made cards and drew with crayons, watched a little Pingu and then we walked through mid-February blustery showers and brief shows of sunlight to Cafe Bliss where chocolate abounded. Heather played her guitar and sang the Bliss Song as per new tradition: 4 o’clock singing of the Bliss Song and free chocolate for all.

Dinner was made by we three siblings, Joe made salmon, Heather made salad, I made yam fries and butternut squash = sibling radness. My soulmate made it home after being stranded in Tsawassenn by the storm = Valentine’s Day Perfection.

I hope you and yours had a sweet day filled with love today and a happy continuation of the same for the rest of the year!

All Blessings,

Katrina Rain